
Flywith us

Fly wherever you want, with whom you want and whenever you want. Thanks to Flyway, hundreds of machines are ready for your journey every day. All you have to do is register.

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Download app

You can find Flyway application in the App Store and Google Play. Download it for free and register.

Find the pilot

Enter the city you want to depart from, the destination and date of travel you are interested in. We will find a pilot that plans a flight that corresponds to your criteria.

Book a flight

All you have to do is book a trip. Contact the pilot and get the details of your journey.

About project

What is Flight sharing?

It's quite simple! The concept of flight sharing is easy: It is sharing of the direct operating costs of non-commercial general aviation aircraft flights between a licensed pilot, you and other passengers.


Did you know...

...that traveling by car from Krakow to Warsaw takes 6 hours, and by plane only an hour?

Who for?

Our goal is to popularize light aviation. FlyWay is an offer literally for everyone. Traveling by plane is the fastest, safest and in our opinion - the most exciting! Discover this wonderful world after reduced costs in the flightsharing model.

What kind of plane will I fly?

Most pilots serving Flyway flights fly with small aircraft, which transport from two to six passengers. A specific brand and aircraft model will be given in the flight details. You have a chance to experience the adventure of life and sit in the cockpit next to the pilot! So... are we going?

Where can I fly?

Wherever you want. All you have to do is find a pilot that flies in the same direction.

Can I take my luggage?

Yes! However, you must take into account that weight limits are extremely important for smaller aircraft, so please provide accurate information and comply with all luggage restrictions. Weight limits will vary depending on the type of the aircraft and the number of passengers.

For safety reasons, pilots may refuse to transport passengers who provide incorrect information.

Why it's worth it?

By using the FlyWay application, you share travel costs between the pilot, yourself and other passengers, thanks to which you travel at a favorable price. The plane is the fastest and safest means of transport. You will save your time and money, and you will have the opportunity to get to know the real pilot !



One thing cannot be valued enough - time. Respect your time and save it while traveling.

Unique experience

Choose your destination and departure airport and book it. If you don't find flight that suits you, request your desirable flight and pilots will get back to you.


Flying is absolutely the safest form of transport, and pilots registered with FlyWay must have the appropriate licenses. If the journey with your pilot did not go smoothly - report it to us! Your comfort and sense of security are crucial to us.


Our goal is to democratise light aviation. Discover this wonderful world at a reduced cost, using Flight sharing.

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Fly Way Sp. z o.o. realizuje projekt dofinansowany z Funduszy Europejskich „FlyWay – innowacyjne narzędzie współdzielenia lotów określony we wniosku o dofinansowanie Projektu nr POPW.01.01.02-20-0112/21”. Celem projektu jest rozwój działalności spółki start-up poprzez wprowadzenie na polski rynek innowacyjnej usługi w postaci aplikacji FlyWay pozwalającej na kojarzenie pilotów z osobami zainteresowanymi odbyciem podróży. Wartość projektu: 798.631,30 zł. Wkład Funduszu Europejskiego: 587.868,50 zł.
